About Me

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Suzanne is a professional actor, based in the New York area. She is a proud member of SAG-AFTRA and AEA. She appears in independent film, as well as Regional and Off-Broadway theatre. Please visit her FB page, TheatreShare for all your theatre and film needs.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Democratic Family Values

My Fellow Americans,

With the most important Presidential election in our lifetimes less than two weeks away, I can no longer remain silent about what I see as an attack on my family values, and the family values of millions of Americans who still consider themselves, well, Americans. We are the great silenced minority of women (only 51 % of the population), forward-thinking social moderates (known to Republicans as "Liberals"), fiscally conservative (again, in Republican-speak, "Tax and Spend"), who would love to see our Constitution restored. We are your gay cousins, your lesbian sisters, your environmentally conscious neighbors. We believe that a small, committed group of citizens can effect change. And, oh yes, some of us even believe that a woman can become President of these United States.
To counter the attacks on our family values, I have put together a photo essay of a typical week in the life of a Democrat; namely, me.

This is me operating my "battery-operated Lawn Machine."

Note how easily the battery pops out for re-charging. I can mow half an acre on one charge.

I, too, have an energy plan. It involves changing all the light bulbs in our house to compact fluorescents. Average electric bill during the summer months: $15.00. And that includes the air conditioning that we rarely need to turn on, because we use insulating shades on the windows, and take advantage of breezes at night to cool the house.

But being a Democrat isn't all work and no play. We like to attend the theatre and movies. Here I am (right) at the press opening for "Forbidden Broadway," with the director of one of my films, James Darling. And here is the star of the show (left), the lovely and talented, Cristina Bianco, with another one of Jim's acting students, Sam Civarella.

I also recently attended the premier screening of Ron Cole's film, "Practical Magic," with his cousins and my dear friends, Josh and Scott Zenriech.

But it takes some effort to look good and present a polished, professional look to the public. So here I am, getting my $1.50 makeover (I have already vowed to either return my lipstick to the CVS, or donate it to charity after the awards-show season):

In keeping with my Democratic Values, I will drive to all the SAG Award Screenings and after-parties in my energy efficient, 10-year old Honda Civic. (30 MPG city/37 MPG highway). Note that I have purchased a Terrapass to offset my car's carbon emissions.

Now that I've had some fun, I call this next section "Taking the Gloves Off." The way I see it, we do not have a viable candidate for President in this election. Obama is untested, radical, cagey in his answers, and cannot explain away his associations with some very nefarious characters. His economic plan is naive at best, and dangerous at worst. There is no such thing as "refunding" tax money to those who have not paid taxes. That would be called "Welfare." Despite John McCain's repeated requests for Town Hall meetings, Obama has refused at every turn. Tomorrow night, he will spend some of his bazillion dollar war chest to buy air time on the major networks, delaying the start of the World Series, to put out another canned infomercial. Could it be that he doesn't want to be ripped to shreds in a true open forum, the way he was in the question and answer style debate against Hillary Clinton?

John McCain is a true American hero and patriot. He comes from a long line of military men who have served their country admirably. But he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, and that is my litmus test for a candidate. If the Republicans are, indeed, the party of less government, what the hell are they doing in my bedroom, telling me not to use birth control and not to have an abortion? How, exactly, is anyone's marriage threatened by gay and lesbian couples being given the right to marry? Are any of you, personally, threatened by this prospect? Will you end up in divorce court if your gay friends and relatives share the same rights that you and your spouse share? And his choice for running mate would be laughable, were it not so tragic. Sarah Palin has been set up as a beacon of Christian morality and conservative family values. Apparently, she did not feel that she and her husband needed the sanction of their church before they started a family. They were married a mere eight weeks before their first child was born. Under her administration in Alaska, tax credits were issued to those who owned private planes (such as her father-in-law), and those who ran snow-machine shops. (such as her husband and herself) And while she holds herself out to be "just plain folks, who shop at 'The Target'," she is walking around in a $150,00 wardrobe from Neiman's and Saks. Finally, as an animal lover, it sickens me to think of her hanging out of a helicopter, shooting wolves with automatic weapons. But, to quote one of her long-time friends, "They have a good, Christian marriage where they shoot guns." I've been searching through my Bible and can't find any mention of shooting guns as a pre-requisite for marriage. As for those who say that her family should be off-limits, and everyone should lay off criticizing her clothing and calling her a beauty contestant -- uh, she was a beauty contestant. And she was the one who trounced out her family as an example of Republican Family Values, so as far as I'm concerned, they are fair game. Including the 17 year old daughter who seems to be following in her mother's footsteps when it comes to starting a family. Isn't this the party that preaches abstinence? It sure doesn't look like anyone is abstaining up in Alaska.

I was in our local diner tonight, and overheard a conversation between two women who were seated at the booth across from mine. One of them said, "What went wrong? How did this happen? How did these two men become the only candidates that we have to chose from? Is it that no one else wanted the job, so we've got the bottom of the barrel?" The most qualified, experienced candidate was Hillary Clinton. For whatever reason, the DNC decided that they would not back her. I guess that, even in the 21st Century, there are just too many good old boys who are threatened by a strong, intelligent, qualified woman leader in this country. It is my fervent hope that, after the next President screws us even more into the ground economically, politically and socially, Hillary will run again in four years. It is my even more fervent hope that some of you will realize that it was not simply because she was a woman that so many of us wanted her to be President. It was because she would have made the best President. May God protect the United States of America. We're going to need all the help we can get.

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